If the Cherokee lands were intended to be obtained "by any means" their probationary existence, for the operation of peaceable increments would have been limited, perhaps to this year, 1828, & the fulfillment of the promise would not have been disposed of in a state of uncertainty as to time. Language exploits clear would have been used in the compact, that if the Cherokees refused to yield their country for compensation & by fair consent, they should be "ousted" of possession at the point of the Bayonet. But Philosophers & Statesmen were parties to the contract, & could not commit themselves into obligations of inhumanity. The Cherokees were their friends & allies, such as they were, by the solemn ties & formalities of treaties, sanctioned & ratified by sages & patriots of america. If the United States had bound themselves to the extent imparted to them by the "Joint Committee" we may apprehend the words of their language of promise as the following: "We will extinguish the Indian title to lands in your limits