In Aurora Anutiantionis 1618 visio Me: ditantis Angeli anuciantis
[column 1]
Whats this that from heavens high topp
Falls downe like a Shinning dropp
And as through the starres it passes
Makes them blasse with light like glasses
Still it selfe it hither throwes
And downe slyding greater groned
Sure it is some heavenlye might
from the Father, sent, of light
for as Pha'bus setting wese
through a Cloude darts to the East
Soe from forth the place he brake
followes him a heavenlye streake
darting light through all his path
till on Earth he lighted hath
Harke he speakes, All Creatures peace Stayd yor orbes, yor Musicke cease: Whilst ride wind lett moysty Calme all the whistling winges enbalme, least rufe Neptune underneath frowne or chafe to heare you breath And you vast Sea cease to chide Th'unnubred beach whereon you slide rouse the greate allmighyies hands Chaines thee upp in such weake bands Not a Beast nor yet a Bird give a Sound nor man a word while an Angell to a Mayde Such a message shall have said that you all for wye may singe for 4 thousand yeares yor kinge Said to Adam yor first Lord He to Earth would send this word Now behold bright Gabriell Starr like flyes this newes to tell Nazareth first sees his raynes Where he lowlye loutes and sayes Hayle chast Mary full of grace God is wth thee in this place blest are thou above all other (Blessed virgine blesed Mother feare noy Maryem holye Mayde
[column 2] Gods highe love on thee is layde: thou a Sonne shall breed & bringe call him Jesus, for a Kinge he shall bee, and son of God ruling nations with his rodd He to Jacobb shall be Friende and as his raigne shall never end
Harke How Mary givs at that her divine Magnificate cease all Creatures, peace all thinges listen while ye virgin Singes, stint yor ever humming noyce While by her transcending voyce Angells caper up to Skye and bright Gabriell backe doth flyd; Silence be in heaven and Earth till this blessed one hath birthe, But when hymes full tyme is come that to us is borne this sonne then shall all their glorious trayne poure themselves to Earth agane
Then singe all advance of yor throats and stretch loud yor sweetest notes For thousand of sweet heavenly Souldiers then [nb: mark indicates that 'then should be on this line] Shall glory sing to God & peace to men