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Territory of Oregon Washington County On this 26th day of October AD 1854 Before my Authority I, Davis a Justice of the Peace in and for said County. Personally appeared Thomas G? Robinson and Bridget J Robinson his wife known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed? to the forgoing? instrument of writing and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as this act and Deed for the purposes therein mentioned And the said Bridget J Robinson being examined apart from her said Husband and the contents of said Deed being fully made known to her Declared that she freely and voluntarily relinquished her right of unsure in the same without any fear persuasion or coercion from any Person Given under my hand the day and year above written Anthony S. Davis Justice of the Peace

Deed from Thomas G? Robinson & Bridget Robinson To William Gray Lots 4 & 5 in Block 204 Portland Oregon unsure

Territory of Oregon county of Washington I hereby certify that the foregoing instruments of writing were received for record, November twentieth AD 1854. And are recorded on the one hundred fifty ninth and one hundred sixtieth page of Book "C" of the Record of Deeds in the office of the Recorder of Washington County writing? my hand and the seal of said county. unsure office on this 6th day of December AD 1854 W.S. Caldwell Auditor and Recorder