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To all Christian People to Whom these Presents shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Francis Whitmore of Middleton In the County of hartford and Colony of Connecticutt In Newengland yeoman for the Consideration of three hundred pounds current money Received to my full Satisfaction of Seth Wetmore of Middletown aforsaid yeoman Do Give GrantBargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto the said Seth Wetmore his hiers &c the Several Parcells of Land Hereafter mentioned all Lying and being in Middleton aforsaid on the West Side of the Great River ([viz?]) one piece Containing forty five acres and Ninety Six Rods Lying In Common with Two acres & Twenty four Rods of Said Wetmore Land the whole Lott butted and bounded as follow [etts?] Beginning at the North East Corner of a Lott of Land of said Wetmore which Corner stands In a Grindle Between the stony hills & [Balls?] both on the south side of the Rhoad to three mile Hill and from there Runs East Eighteen Degrees N. sixty set Rods to a stake and stones then S: five Degrees East one hundred and Ten Rods and 1/2 to a white oak Bush marked then W:B:S. Eighty seven Rods to a heap of stones by a brook then North thirty Two Rods 1/2 to a stake and stones then East one Degree N: sixteen Rods - then Runing near North by the East line of Land of the hiers of [Nott^h Staw?] & Seth Wetmore Land to the first bounds one other Piece Lying in Common With said Wetmore my part being eight acres the whole Lott being seventeen acres & forty seven rod and Lyeth at or near a place Called three mile Hill and bounds as followeth Begining a chestnut stadle which is the S:W Corner of a Lott of Jonathan Allen and from there Ran Near Wr B. S: forty six Rods to a stake and stones then Near North sixty six Rods to a Red oak stadle marked then Near east forty five Rods then to the first station also quit Claims unto the said Seth Wetmore eleven pound one shillings Rights in all the Common & undevided Lands Within Said Town that I bought of William Ward Cooper of said Middleton being one quarter part of said wards whole Right also quit claim to said Wetmore [paper fold is torn] a Lott said [...]in the third Devision on the west side of the GreateRiver at aplace Called the Ra...nd Swamp which was Laid out on said Wards Right to Sety Wetmore for eleven acres & eight rods which bounds south on a Rhoad or high Way North on Land of Jeremiah wetmore West on a high way east on Land Laid out to Richard Turner To have and To Hold the above Granted and Bargaied Premises with the appurtunances unto him the said Seth Wetmore his hiers and assigns for ever to his and there own proper use & Behoof. and also I the said Francis Whitmore Do for my selt my hiers [strikethough: or the] Covenant with the said Seth Wetmore his hiers and assigns that all and until the Ensealing of these Presents I am Lawfully sised of the Premises [strikethough: From? Land ? sised] as a good Inde[for]ible Estate In fee simple and have good Right to Bargain and sell the same In manor and form as above written and Furthermore