Deere Saviour Sweet, sweet was thy deere compaSsi◌̌ Deerely exprest in that most bitter passion When whipt and Scourg'd yu mildly Suffered Stal To feed one torments damck vanger and Gall Suffer the Crowne of Thornes impale thy brayne which downe thy theekes forced shews of blood to rayn Suffered the peircing launce that like a flood Forced from thy side wounded thy precious blood Nayld one the crosse more thou didst suffer yet [Ju?] that feirce agonye and bloudye Swete Then then & then thy torments did begynne Goaded wth mans hugh ponderous weight of syñ At which the mazed earth with horror Shooke Darknes Possest the worlde daye light forsooke Fer wanted course ye Sun then changed to blood At death of him that was Soe wondrous good Divells quake, hell roard with Admiration At the Great En: the power of our Salvation Noe tonge, noe pen, noe witt of man can tell Thy Tormentes they exceed ye paines in hell All for ungratefull miserable man Are not wee bound to feare and prayse him than O yes to Spend our houres our dayes and yeeres Intrue repentant floods & Showes of teeres
Blest blest Oh blest be that divinitye That sacred power Alpotent Majestye Whose wounderous goodnes glorious resurectiõ Restord us lost to grace: (oh rare perfectiõ) Admir'd immortall blessed Trinytye Three Sacred personns God in vnitye To whom triumphant Alliluia Singe Singe Alliluia unto heavens kinge