7/ aid of the Choctaws, and in so doing they wanto possess themselves of all the plunder. Accordingly they violated their treaty, and before the time on which they massacre was to have been consummated, and upon a time when they were to meet at the French garrison to pay the tribute that had been so unjustly required of them, and which they intended should serve as a pretext for their assemblage at the Fort, they with one impulse seized the knives, axes sg.? of the garrison, which, with their own instruments of wrath, they soon effected a complete and an entire massacre of their self constituted masters, and appropriated to themselves their plunder.
At the time stipulated by the treaty between them and the Choctaws, the latter appeared, but found the work completed in which they were to have participated. In compliance with the treaty, however, they demanded half the plunder; but this was refused, and they immediately, to punish such a flagrant violation of Justice, declared war upon the Natchez nation. The latter being highly elated and flattered by their recent success, and stimulated by a desire to retain the plunder, felt able to successfully defend themselves. In this, they finally found themselves disappointed, and to prevent the entire destruction of their tribe, they precipitatity? left the country in the possession of their enemy, whither they went the Choctaws know not.
Not long after this event, the Choctaws were visited by an embassy from the Tinsas? Indians *, a small tribe living at a place, now known as Lake Louis or Louiss's Lake which is one of the boundarys of Ciculy Island in the parish of O. Cattahoola, {Louisiana,) informing them that the Natchez Tribe had settled in their country, and had become so troublesome that they had called upon them (the Choctaws) for assistance to drive them away.