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To all people to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. KNOW YE, that I John Scofil of Middletown [?] In the County of Hartford and Colony of Conneticutt in Newengland yeoman For the Consideration of Twenty five Shillings money - Received to my full satisfaction of Seth Wetmore of middleten aforsaid DO Give, Grant, Bargain, Sell and Confirm, unto the said Seth Wetmore all my Right Tytle Interest Share and proportion that I have In the Common and undevided Land, Within the Township of Middleten aforsaid - on the east side of the Greate River - by any way or means whatsoever - To have and to hold the above Granted and Bargained Premisses, [strikethrough: with all ye appurtana] unto him the said Seth Wetmore - his - Heirs and Assigns for Ever, to his and thier own proper Use and Behoof. And Also, I the said John Scofil - Do for myself my Heirs &c Covenant with the said Seth Wetmore his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Presents, I am Lawfully Seised of the Premisses as a good Indefeasible Estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same, in Manner and Form as is above Written, And that the same is Free of all Incumbrances whatsoever. And Farthermore, I the said John Scofil do by these Presents Bind my Self & my Heirs for Ever, to Warrant and Defend the above Granted and Bargained Premisses to him the said Seth Wetmore his Heirs and Assigns, against all Claims and Demands whatsoever. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the fourteenth Day of may in the Tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George ye second of Great=Britain, &c. KING. Annoque Domini, 1737 John Scoful [red wax seal] Middleten may 14th 1737 - Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in Presence of Sam Dwight Jacob Whitmore Middletown May 24th: 1738 recd. & Recorded Lib:6:fol:311. pr. Will'em Rockwell Regist. Then personally appeared John Scofil the Granter and acknoledged this Instrument to be his free act & Deed - Before Giles Hall Jus't Poe[...]