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Antigonus that hee came into a goodly fielde and planted it wth goulden boughes, of wch grewe a goulden harvest wherof returninge hee saw only the stubbs, and was toulde him that Mithridates had caryed the same into pontus} The losse of his kingdom to another

pope Leo the tenthes mother, that she was dd delivered in the cathedrall Churche, of a very great and gentle lyon. } his popedom

The heare of yr head to bee wooll -- longe sicknes

Philip of Constant. that an eagle lifted upon his head } Emperor after Justinian To fighte wth a Thracian sworde player - a rich wily wife Eleanus that his eyes were plucked out, and defyringe it might bee deferred had 2 dayes respit } slayne 2 dayes after

To be slowly moved ill iourneyes to runne apace good fortune black horses ill white good calme sea good Sounde of Sea busines Swimminge in the sea great sorrowe To bee dead wthout care Laughinge wayward and sad fall downe headlong from on high. ill happ

On of Erus - company dreamed that hee was caryed by a Wilde horse through the topps of the mountaynes and afterwardes throwne headlonge into a shady valley, wher hee was rente by the claws of owles } Erus changed his shipp the fellow was drowned.

Bellisarius that on of his servantes tould him how certayn guiftes were brought him, wch behouldinge hee saw certayne men carry wheat. and floweres on theyr backes, wch hee wth lad to bee layd downe in his entry, wher hee wth his souldiers sat downe and did eate the floweres wch tasted very sweete. } Conquered Africk

Policarpus that his boulster was on fyre -- burned.