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alll the notes of their own Bank, and now for all notes and obligations due the Bank by Merchants, and others, they discussed by a circular issued forth to the people of S. Louis by the Officers of the Bank, that they would not receive any thing in payment but [Spieis?]] or notes of their own

The business men seem violently opposed to the measures the Bank has taken, and it is generally supposed the Bank will have to return to its old method of doing business  __  during the excitement  there has been strong talk as I have been informed, of tearing down Ino.?? Smith Esq.private residence, Mr. S. is president of the Institution,  There have also been several Murders of late in the City. one of which you can see unclear  in a St. Louis paper, that I am going to send Miss Jane,  I have not seen or heard any thing from Mr. Wm. L Chappell's family for nearly two moths. there fore I cannot write you any thing about them, any more than I understood by some of their friends  here, that some of them, were going East this fall, this intelligence I also received from you, 
 I left Mr. F. Perin in New Orleans in rather low spirits, he had not obtained a situation and not being acquainted with Mercantile unclear  and other kind of business, it will I fear, be hard to obtain one, he is thus thrown upon the unclear now to  look out for himself  Without any thing, I took great pains in going around