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4 God of nature could cause such a darkness at noond[ay] as for 3 hours time should deprive those people of ye natural light of ye Sun, yt [that] refused to be enlightened wch [which] yt light wch he had sent in to ye world whilst in ye mean time ye Gentiles round about ym [them] who were more ready to receive Christ ye light of god wn [when] he may revealed unto ym did enjoy ye benefitt of ye Sun -beams, This only I contend for yt this darknes could not proceed from an ecclipse of ye Sun because it

was peculiar to yt one country or region, & it seems
to be such a darknes as God sent for one of ye plagues
of Egypt wch ye [crossed out] Scriptures implies to be more yn [then]  a
bare privation of light, when he tels us yt it was
[In margin: "ex:10.21"--probably referring to Exodus verse in Bible] 

darkness yt might be felt. Our interpreters seem to have comprehended something of this, why else should they trans-late [erased: wh, thus "why" corrected to "'ye"] ye words:

[Greek text: έπἱ πᾶσαν ?ήν ?ῆν ] [underline] over all ye land [/underline] for that phrase does not denote ye whole earth but some particular [nb :'par' shorthand symbol used] country or region; but then they forgott ymselves [themselves] again in Luke 23.44. & have there rendered ye same words [underline] over all ye Earth[/underline].

neither have they been more exact in other phrases

of ye like import, thus Matt: 24.3 wee read it what shall be ye signs of thy coming [underline]& of ye end of ye world but in ye original 'tis [Greek text] ye end or accomplishmt of ye age, For ye Jews reckoned upon 2 great [Greek] ages ye one was ye [underline] age of their law,[/underline] concerning wch ye disciples of or. [our] Lord desire to know wt [what] shall be the signs of ye end of it, ye other [underline] ye age of wh? Mes