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                                                                                                                                                                                         Hdqrs. Mil.Div. of the Mo.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Chicago, Ills. Dec.3. 1874

Dear General Augur,

           I enclose you the orders in reference to Indian prisoners and Indian ponies. I have held them back thinking that some more Indians would come in, but think it best to not wait any longer, unless you have some good reason to still delay.
                                                            You will see that there is full authority for the Military Commission and if some of the Indians can be hung it will have a salutary Effect.  I will be ready to designate the place of confinement on the seaboard by the time you have selected the prisoners to be confined.  I presume the ponies are very poor, but as the main object is to deprive the Indians of them, the matter of what they will bring is of small consequence.  
                                                            The same instructions as these will be sent to Gen'l. Pope for the Cheyennes. They must be dealt with alike.                
                                                                                                                                                  Yours truly,
                 Official                                                                                                                          (Sgd) J.H. Sheridan (underlined red)
          (Sgd) Colon Augur                                                                                                                   Lieut. General
            500 6 D T '74


                                        (underlined red)
                                                                                                                                                                             Hdqr. Mil. Div. of the Mo.(underline red)
                                                                                                                                                                             Chicago, Ills. , Dec. 4, 1874
   Brig. General CC. Augur (underline red)
               Commdg. Dep't. of Texas
                 Fort Sill I.T.
       I have the honor to inform you that four letters, dated respectively Nov. 20, 23, and 24, and Dec. 3, with Enclosures, relative to convening a Military Commission for the trial of Indians, who have depredated within the limits of your Department and in Kansas and Colorado Territory; to the sale of animals captured from Indians and to the disposition of Indian prisoners, who are not amenable to trial by Military Commission, were sent you yesterday by mail, in one package, registered.
                  The Lieut General desires you to acknowledge the receipt of the package named, by telegraph.                               
                                                                                                                                                 Very respectfully
   Official                                                                                                                                     Your obdt. servant
 (Sgd) Colon Augur                                                                                                               (Sgd) R.L. Drum (underline red)
      ADL                                                                                                                                   Asst. Adjutant General
 500 6 D. T. '74

____________________________________________________________ (underline red)