[not started] [Column 1] Regis Fortuna L?intus virtus stypor tranagli glorie Glorie maracoli.
China commonwealth hath con=[inkspot] tinued 2000 yeeres Venice 1100 Frannce 1200.
Empyres transported fro[squiggle above o] Assyr:ians to Medes Medes Persians Persians Macedonians Macedonians Romains Romanes Greekes. Greeks French French Dutch De Colony[with umlaut over y] et herminis Rabel lib 4[degree symbol] Cap 42/64/65. Gradus officioru' 1 parentes 2 pupilli 3 clientes 4 hospites 5 cognati 6 affines.
Great offices boyd in England together 1591. LLs Chauncellor prsident of y[with marks] Comfell. Marshall Priny Seale. [large mark above first e] constable. Steward of y[^e] Guarde Chancellor of excheiys? controller.
[Column 2] [top right corner of page] 38 French Clergy Rest 12 millions 300[^m] frankes of 12 partes of y[^e] Reueu[??] y. Archliss. 12 Bishopps 104 Abbayes 140 Cures 27400
Leues the 118[?] had A Taylour his heratie Barbor Ambassador phisitia[^z] Chauncellor.
Augustus Dis Seruorum Fmp. militum princeps ceteroru'.
Senatus dicitur priloco et pro hominibus. Ciuitas[?] pro loco oppido iure oiu'm hominu' multitudie[?] tribus et ldecuria pro loco iure hoitus Concio locus caetus oratio.
To worke a man know his nature and fashions and so trade him endes and so winne him. weakness or disaduantages and so awe him those that have mi[?]ere[?]kim him and so gouerne him. Authoritas Sevatus quid significet Dion Cass. fol 599[crossed out]. 549. patroni Lacedaemonicru' clody[single dot above y] pureoloru' liciny [umlaut on y] Allolrgoru' fabuis sanga Herenioru' Marins Siracusanoru' Marcellus.