[column 1] The double meaning of Quobar man and signifies memories caused Saul to throw a man into a malech [mulch?] Lume may have caused worshipers of Saturnalia
In Sienna the best Italian is spoken, and the country people speak as well as citizens.
Dirty? words in Irish - ? Cornish -? Greek - silly basto pig, body verbs? English - ? French - ?
Similar Languages Spanish Portugese English Scottish Dutch Flemish Cornish Welsh British Attick Dorick Hebrew ? Caldey Euphi Italian
Languages Greek copious Latin Excuisite Italian Pleasant Spanish Majestic French Delicate Dutch Manly Hebrew Significant English dogged.
Sack. Hebrew island of Greece? Latin Italian, Gallic, German fluglich [flying--??]
[Column 2] Hebrew language has roots 1758 for dispraise of Greek compared to Latin, and what words this has than that. [this language is more articulate than latin, which is also superior to greek] ? ? ? on ?./
fact and fiction? hoursta to imitate vocabulary of ?: Advocate [a lawyer] daeurns [a verb] while the elixir ? helped Euocatus to provide3 slaves
Those of Mulaca in the East Indies, made a true speech of words picked from divers' languages. Hugonis Dutch [Dutch Hugenot?]
Sustineamus. Sus-tinea-mus [giving pronunciation] Hebrews say male: "mara. Cananites [say] mana male. French [say] bread white English [say] white bread.
Awareness of scientific entities Lawrence ? Horse for a Horseman
Venetians answer to Savoy for his title to Caudy Caelum Caeli 2 land he has given to sons of men History of Savory, Folio 248./
A game. The principle with vowels. No word in Hebrew Greek or Latin for lodestone./