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National Committee Tuesday Oct 21st. 1828 James Vann (Coosawattie) moved that the law passed 26th Oct 1819 be amended so as to require those who obtain permits to pay a Tax for each & every permit. The Foreman moved that the Tax be one dollar. Ian Daniel moved that the Tax be $5. The votes being taken, it was decided that the tax be $5. In each permit issued for one year & longer in proportion. unclear moved that the tax be paid before the permit is issued, which was recorded & agree to by the house. After some further remarks, the following resolution was passed & sent to the Council for concurrence. Resolved by the Committee & Council In General Council Convened That the law passed 26th October 1819, regulating the issuing of permits unclear, unclear & is hereby so amended, as to require any citizen or citizen who shall obtain a permit for any mechanic agreeable to the above law, to pay a tax of $5 for each & every permit so obtained, for the term of one year, & in proportion for a greater benefit of time. Sec. 2d. Be it further resolved, that so much of the said law as requires the Committee & Council to issue permits, be repealed and in lieu thereof, the power of issuing permits shall be vested in the Treasurer of the Cherokee nation; and that it shall not be lawful for unclear to issue any permit or permits to any person or persons before the above Tax shall have been paid. - and that he shall keep a correct record of all permits issued. - Be it further Resolved, That any person or persons obtain a permit or permits, shall be required to sign & unclear for the good behavior of such person or persons so brought into the nation; and which shall be satisfactory to the Treasurere. Be it further Resolved, That the employer or employers shall be bound under the penalty of Twenty Dollars, to notify the unclearof his or their Districts of the expiration of the time specified in his or their permit or permits. And it shall be the duty of the Sheriff to remove such person or persons so employed, out of the nation, unless his or their permit or shall be renewed within the space of twenty days. Be it further resolved that the above resolution shall go into full force & effect, so soon as it shall have passed the council & been approved by the principal Chief." (Concurred.) Wednesday Oct 29th A communication was rec from the Principal Chief &