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with much love to all I am aff. yours Julius Dear Johnny. I received your letter today and I had better answer it immediately as this promises to be a rather busy week. Seminary examination and Fair? occupying us for three? days but in fact monopolizing the whole week - I expect Julius and one of Annie's sisters will be here. unclear family will be at Charlotte's - Lilly Finney? graduates and her friends will be in town. Mrs. Pierpont? expects some friends from Wheeling that will expect some attention from us. So Sis at least will be entirely occupied there These little country festivals are very pleasant? to us and I think really beneficial. Tomorrow I am to take tea at Mr. unclear with Mary & Mrs. unclear. They returned on Thursday from their trip and enjoyed it very much - friends all so pleasant and Niagara fully realizing all expectations. Mary is very fine spirits, and busy Just commencing to Reef? house?