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To all Christian People to Whome these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that we John Fluellen of Smith Town In the County of Suffolk and porvince

of New York carpenter and Abraham Fluellen of Flushen In Queens County In the provinc aforsaid Cordwainer for the Consideration of Twenty four pounds Eighteen Shillings money of Connecticutt Colony to us in hand paid by Francis Whitmore and Seth Wetmore of Middletown In the County of Hartford and Colony aforsaid Do give Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto them the said Ftorn: rancis Whitmore and Seth Wetmore & there hiers &c all our Rights Tytle Share and proportion or Interests that we or either of us have In any Lands or Tennements In the Township of Middletown aforsaid Devided or undevided To Have and to Hold the said Granted and Bargained premises with all the privelidges and appurtunances threto Belonging or any ways appertaining unto them the said Francis Whitmore and Seth Wetmore ther hiers and assigns to them and there sole & only proper use Benefit and Behoof for Ever

In Witness whereof we the said John Fluellen and Abraham Fluellen have hereunto set our hands and seals this 24th Day of Febry in the Eight year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George the Second of Grate Britan &c King &c Anno Domni 1734/5 Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of John Thomas John Stidman John fleuwelling red wax seal Abraham fleuwelling red wax seal Middletown Febry: ye 25th AD 1734/5 Then personally Appeared Messrs: John Flewwelling & Abraham Flewwelling & Acknowledged the Above Instrument to bottom of page is folded over last lines Recorded in Middletown 6th Book of Record fol 199 Jabez Hamlin Registr.