unclear M.S.S IV Tecumseh's? Visit to the Southern Tribes, 1811, GG. Letter to Mr. unclear unclear A.N. Chamberlain, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, Feb. 4, 1882, saying that he has not been successful, so far, in collect= ing any definite information from Cherokees concern= ing Tecumseh's visit to this tribe. My chief object, however in writing to you just now is to mention certain papers, manuscripts, that are probably in existence, and would be most likely to give unclear information on the subject of any I can think of. I refer to the papers that were in the hands of one John Howard Payne - and a history of the Cherokees written by him, but never published. Mr. Payne was in the Cherokee Nation when I was a boy ..... He collected a great deal of material from the leading men of the nation at the time. The accounts from missionaries - He insertion noted 'Chamberlain' had a major idea that Mr. Payne was a unclear official, + went later as unclear + a foreign unclear