If wee are not able to See how this or that can Stand with the Righteousnoss of him that Governes the world, Shall we Say that the Almighty will pervert Judgement or that he that Governes the Earth [illegible] Right. Shall we Condemn him that is most Just[!?] but [illegible] Objected [illegible] is Providence, & how shall men Live on Earth If the Divel may be permited to use Such [pon..]. I demand [wher?] was Providence when Satan had power to Cause Sons of Beliall to Lye and Swear away the Life of inocent [illegible] Saying Such Crimes to his [Charg?] as he may [illegible] guilty of. And what an hour of Darkness was it! and how far away the power of Hell permitted to prevail when Christ the Son of God was accused and Hanged for a Crime that hee was never guilty of. That was the Strangest Providence that ever happened Since the world began! and yet in this Issue the most glorious. we must therefore distinguish between what does ordinarily come to pass by the providence of God and things that are Extraordinary. It is not an usuall thing for a [illegible] to have his Life taken from him by false accusations; or for an [Alhanasius? underlined] or a [Suscinate? underlined] be Charged and perhaps brought before Courts of Judicasure. for Crimes of which they were altogether inocent but if we therefore Conclude that Such a thing as this Can mever hapen in this world we Shall offend a gainst the genoration of [illegible]. It is not Ordinary for Divels to be permitted to reveal the Secret Sins of men. Yet this has been done