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Bostons) he was well acquainted with the Mi= nister concerned who related to him the whole story to [?] all the circumstances of it. For Mr. [underlined word] Cotton was so affected with the Report as to take a Journey on purpose to the towne where this Hap= pened, that so he might obtain a satisfactory account about it, which he did. Some authors say that a [underlined word] Daemon appeared in the form of [underlined word] Sylva [continued underlined word] nus (Hierom's friend) attempting a dishonest thing, the Divel thereby designing to blast the reputation of a famous Bishop. I have in another Booke mentioned that celebrated [?] instance concerning an honest citizen in Zukia [?] (the [underlined three words] Metropolis of Helvetia) in whose shape the Divel appeared committing an abominable act (not fitt to be named) very early in the morning seen by the prefect of the city and his servant. they were amazed to behold a man of good esteem for his honest conversation perpetuating a thing so vile and abominable but going from the [underlined word] spectre in the field to the Citizens house in the town they found him at home in his bed, nor had he been abroad that morning which con= vinced them that what they saw was an Il= lusion of the Divell. This passage is mentioned as a thing known and certain by [underlined word] Lavater in his treatise of Spectres (2) [?] who was a most learned and Judicious preacher in that city. [illegible]

[written in left margin bottom: (2) pass 1. cap. 19. p. 86.]