the [Shcyse?] and habitt of Eminent ministers of God. So did he to appear to m Land of [Colchorter?] in the [Sikenefs?] of m Liddae an Holy man of God. and to the Turkish Chourus Soabilized London anno - [illegible] Pretending to be m Dury an Exellont minister of Christ. and how often hath he pretended to be the Apostle Saul or Seteror Some celebrated (+) - Saint? [Ecelosiasticall?] histories abound with instances of that nature. [you?] Sometimes he has transfigured himself into the form of Christ. It is reported that he appeared to (r) Saint Martin gloriously arrayed as if he had been Christ. So [Lifionoise?] to (s) Secundelley [illegible] to another Saint who Suspecting it was Satan transforming himself into an Angell of Light; had this Exprefsion [Ifemay?] see Christ [me?] Heaven