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    This plan, if efficiently carried out, as I do not doubt it would be, would result in a severe punishment of the refractory Indians and give the frontier quiet for some time.  It would involve perhaps a campaign in a part at least of the winter season, and considerable expense and unless it can be carried out to its conclusion, it is hardly worth while perhaps to commence it.
     I see already that many of the Eastern papers have declared "there is not going to be much of a shower after all" - that there are only a hundred and fifty Indians hostile, and that they have been driven to it, by bad frontiersmen &c. &c.   Whether this sentiment will gather sufficient force to eventually stop the work of the troops after they are in position and actively engaged in reducing these ugly fellows to obedience, you can determine better than I.    Will you therefore, when you receive this, telegraph me whether or not you approve the suggested plan of operations, and if I shall carry it out so far as the troops in Texas are concerned.
       As there are six good working months before us, I have told MacKenzie to go well prepared, even if there were a few days delay.  I think all the Columns can be in position in thirty days at the outside - perhaps sooner.
        MacKenzie will return here, and I propose to go with him to Concho, and may go myself to Griffin and Sill to see everything well started.
                                                                                                                     Very respectfully
                                                                                                                      Your obdt. servant
                                                                                                          (Sgd)     C. C. Augur
                                                                                                                        Brigadier General U.S.A.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 580. "Telegram." SILL, Fort C. O. [left margin] July 28, 1874. Commanding Officer Fort Sill, I. T. via Caddo, thence by mail.

                     In about twenty five days I shall be ready to operated against hostile Indians with one strong Column under MacKenzie from his old Supply Camp, with another from Griffin under Buell.  I wish you to be ready to cooperate with another from a Camp near Otter Creek.  How much Cavalry and Infantry should you have for such a Column, and how many of each arm should be left at Fort Sill.  Do you require additional transportation or stores of any Kind.  How many of the involved tribes are hostile and where are their Camps.  Keep correctly informed of their locations and advise me of them and of any change.  Answer briefly by telegram and more fully by mail.
                                                                                    (Sgd) C. C. Augur, Brig. Gen'l.
