Rock Island Novr. 19" 1826
Russell Farnham Esqr
Dear Sir
Since you left hear John Forsyth has been down from Oak Grove trading house on Rock River, and has made such arrangements as was agreable to our wish, and will permit no Indian to Remaine in his house, thier is in the vicinity our houses in Rock River upwards of Six hundred Winabagos the water being entreamly Low thay will be able to kill all the muskrats in this month, for that reason I have abandoned the plan of letting Mr. D. trade greater part of the first hunt as thier is no prospect of a second hunt of any concequence. I shall I hope not lose money, but I Shall Leave nothing undone thats fair and honorable; to convince Mr. D. that he better be making Shoes
[in pencil] *box Ayer N. A. MS 215