Per the World are 3,424 Languages known 937 in Asia, 587 in Europe 276 in Africa, 1624 in America Spanish 20,000 words - English 22000 do - 25000 in Latin - 30,000 in French - 45000 in Italian - 50,000 in Greek - 80,000 German The English Language has 6621 Latin words, 4361 French - 2060 Saxon - 660 Greek - 229 Italian 117 German - 111 Welch - 83 Spanish - 81 Danish - 18 Arabic - with several words from the Teutonic Gothic Hebrew, Swedish, Portuguese, Flemish, Runic, Egyptian, Persia, Cambric, and Chinese - The Welsh is the best corrupted of the 14 vernacular languages of Europe, and the worst, being confined and abounding in gutterals The 24 letters of the alphabet can be transposed 620,448,401,733,239,439,260,000. Arithmetical figures were borrowed by the Arabians from the Brachmans who were much skilled in the knowledge of numbers - the Arabans before that time made use of letters to count with _________________________ Cholera pills