For a Waterie Stomach. Rost a nutmeg on a knifes point at [a] fire and eate it; The same nourisheth [th]e Hart and dryeth up all ill humours.
For the Cough of the Lungs. [Hea]t a quart of white wine vinegar on a fire put therto a grotesworth of hony [b]oyle them together and skim it well [T]hen put therto a good handful of topps [o]f Rosemarie boyle all togeher, strayne them [a]nd drink therof morning and Evening a [q]uarter of a Pinte as hot as you can.
To get out a thorne that pricketh [T]ake birdlime being stirred on a piece [of] leather lay it to the place it will help.
For a [Stick?]on the Side [D]rink the powder of [Hollieleaves?] dried in wine ale or beere. It will help.
[?? for the yard [??] a pint of milk and when it boyleth [p]ut thereonh a pennyworth of [??] [??] small: When it is cold strayne it [??] away the curd; and [??] the water [??] a siringe. The juice of [Limones?] [is?] good also so [??] [??]; and so is also [Storm?] water.
Note that for the stick on [??] [??] Som say [th]at the smooth holly or the holly leaves [??] [Stitchwort?] being drunk in powder is most effec[tive?]