
From Newberry Transcribe
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A Water to heal a Sore First wash the sore with plantain Water Then take a quart of running water 2. Spoonfulls of English Hony, half an ouncz of white Sugar 1 ounce of Roche Allom, half a handful of Hope, halfe a handfull of Plantain leaves with 7 or 8 leaves of groud Ivy: Boile it until th[one?] half be consumed, then strayne it and wash the sore therwith and by Gods help it will heale it.

Pro fluxu renium Seeth yarrow leaves in Posset ale putting in the powder of a nutmeg drink it warm every morning and Evening first and last drinking not before nor after for an houre.

Pro spasmo Write on a piece of parchment as much as will goe about your leg in the gartering place theis words folowing + Gut + Gut + Egut + Gebaut [+] weare it on your bare leg, and it witll help you. / pro fluxu renium Take on {amendment: an} egg poched reare filled with a nutmeg grated.