My letters to you from the time you left the Mts. until May 12th furnish all the record I have of what transpired in your absence. I have copies of the letters in case any failed to reach you, but with no officer with my company and all it's [underline] matters in the greatest possible state of neglect, I had time for nothing more
As you requested I left the confidential letter from Gen'l. Sheridan well sealed, in Woodward's care. I am satisfied from all I see and hear from Washington that someone will soon be at your station to attend to Indian matters, perhaps an officer, perhaps a Quaker, more likely the latter as I think the policy is to send the officers to the semi-civilized tribes and give the Friends a chance at the wild ones. I am sure too that the Indians are all to be supplied thro' [underline] the Subsistence and Qr. Ms. Depts. of the Army, those Depts' to be re-embursed from the Presidents' $2,000,000 Indian Funds. There will no more be Indian contracts. [2 words underlined] It is apparent to me also that Gen'l. Hazen's connection with the Indians has ceased for the present and if he comes to this Territory soon (which I doubt) it will only be to command his regiment. I will send you with this a pack of the latest papers received here. All these matters will soon become more definite, of course.-I shall go right to Washington for a day or two-it being my shortest route from Memphis