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Veils we had I intend to make me a black crepe collar soon as I can. And I have bought me some mourning calico, black with a small whole figure, for a morning dress. I shall not purchase any more clothes than I really need. Not any more now. Last week I spent in Greenfield in Major Reed family. Twas quite a sudden and unexpected visit. Henry Ward Beecher was going to lecture there and the folks thought 'twould do me good to go. So Chandler and I in company with Mr Lincoln & wife went down We went to call on Mr. Reed's family, and they gave me such a cordial invitation and so kindly, insisted on my staying, that knowing how lonely my home seemed now, at length consented, so after the lecture which was rich they came home and left me. and I spent a very pleasant week there. which I will tell you more about whenI see you. Spent one afternoon and evening with unclear Mr. Moors and wife very pleasantly. Mr. Reed and his family are very pleasant people I became quite attached to them of course as I always do to good folks. and here I must say good night with love from Mary - written vertically on page Abby I thank you and brother Kendall for your kind and cordial invitation to visit you - and it seemed when mother died I must go right, off - it seems as if I must now see you and Charles - and yet I dont know what is best I think however it wont be best for me to come just at present for several reasons that make it inconvenient - And yet I want so much to see you - Chandler has kindly cordially told me I should have a home with him as long as he had one - And he and Rhoda seem anxious to have me stay, - (perhaps I may be needed particularly confidential - And yet you know Abby - that I am now alone comparatively, in the world - And as long as I am well I feel that 'tis my duty to be doing something and not be a drone in God's great hive. But what to do is the next question I'm tired of teaching and just at present I must confess I dont feel much ambition to do anything - Still I feel I must hold myself in readiness when unclear God points out the way - My heart would lead me to you - Still I hope I am ready to go and do whatever My Father thinks best - I hope for his guidance I send a copy of Mother's will if you and Charles are satisfied you are to send your confidence to Chandler and he will put it execution. Mother's idea in having Charles written as it was to have it remain longer at interest if he did'nt need it at present - I'll tell him when I see him