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She says she dont see how in the world you can stay away so? Or what can be the reason you dont come mext summer. Economy in our opinion is not the reason - what ever it is, I think if possible, you better arrange affais to come another summer - Others go and come once a year and why not you? As for economy, The style that you are living does'nt indicate a want of means - certainly - You don't think anything would tempt me to go west! Yes, just the thought of seeing you is a very strong, temptation. But Abby in mother's present condition I could not leave her unless she went over to Emily. She needs some one - an own daughter, to wait upon her, and take care of her. She staid with Emily most of the time while I was teaching but she enjoys being at home best - Beside Emily has enough to take care of, and I feel it is my duty to stay here, and make her as comfortable as possible - I should like to go west so would mother - and if she should get able as I hope she will we may come some time - But you can come here and we all can see you - And certainly all can't go to see you there I'm sorry Mr. Kendall's Lung troubles him. Can't he do some thing to cure it entirely? You Know Dr. Price died. I wish he might enjoy good health - Im glad you are well Keep so. I'm quite well - So little Eddie is a "Little mischief" - That's the way always - Our dear little Eva is a darling little creature - She's just as good and happy - Rhoda does'nt take up mornings till she gets her work done up - and washing days I've know her lay on the bed and unclear her self till afternoon and Rhoda get all through her washing - Mother says she is just such a unclear as I used to be - she hardly ever cries - and not always is willing to smile - She sets a great store by our "old Kate" puss - She'll laugh and unclear whe she sees her - Chandler plays "Bear" with her and she'll laugh as heartely as can be Charles you wrote you did not know as you would be needed much longer - Do you wish [[page torn] That is would you like to continue in the west ? I've no doubt there will be business enough for you