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till I set the whole into a regular giggle - and I laughed the most of any one - I dodged down the outside & back, swung my partner, who by the way, was so they say, a Boston Gentleman with Imperialed chins, and dressed in Broadcloth neat as a pin - but some how I guess he did'nt know any more about it than I did - at any rate we missed of each other - and I kited "down the middle" alone, and when I got back he was peeking round to see where I was and looking confused enough - well then we "swung and ballanced" but we did'nt swing but once and only ballanced to one gentleman when I should have to two - So when I got ready to "Cross right & lift" it was'nt on time so I darted back to my side, and he cleared to his, waiting to see what I'd do next I s'pose - At any rate I thought I'd keep going some where and I went "down the outside" back and forth, down the middle with my partner if he happened to get there if not alone swung and balanced with any body till we was all in a roar of laughter and Wallace had to come to right the matter - So much for that - Well, then Friday evening was singing school but we did'nt go - But Mrs. Goldsbury & Mary Wood called and in the evening we went skating over on Mr. Goldsbury's Lily Pond - Abby brought unclear two pairs of unclear Kates and I wore one pair and she the other - We had a nice time - there was quite a large company out for the first party - Monday Evening we had another but I did'nt go for I'd been washing - Wednesday evening, we had one over to Chandlers mill-pond we all went - had a fine time - Emily & Danford and all the Children came & Maria and Axariah &c for spectators - there was 30 or 40 there I guess - and then the snow fell and covered up the ice. Thursday Mr. & Mrs Green & Julia came and made a visit, and Thursday evening we went to the dance again - Albert Moore is helping Chandler now & he wanted to go and wanted a body to go with him. I Thought I did'nt care about going at all - and told Abby to go - and she said she would if I would - and they all said I should - So I thought I must - But we wanted Albert should have his hair cut for it was quite too long -