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Mrs Tyler Mrs Samuel & Chandler Reed and Mrs Tyler Rhoda's mother and fine babies. Week ago Tuesday, I had Mrs. Sibley Mrs. McKim, Mrs Lois Mayo, Mrs. James Jones and Louise. Next week I'm going to have the young unmarried ladies. I had an invitation to visit at Mrs. Wheelocks Wedemes. But we had arranged to go to Northfield and could'nt go Rhoda & some others went [unclear unclear] has been here on a visit, Larin Tyler and his wife have been up. David Tyler and family and Miss Dix are expected next week. Agnes has not come yet, and I don't believe she will - O Abby I had a call from Adelaide Bigelow the other day! unclear wished me to give her love to you. Mrs Stephen Browne is at home again, and Mrs. Abby Peck is expected soon. Mr. McKim Nettie and unclear are still here. Sarah Hatch is home. But they are all, that is Mr. & Mrs. Hatch Sarah and Mary are all going to Winnona in about a fortnight - Sarah & Mary expect to stay a year - Mr & Mrs Hatch about six or eight weeks Artemas and Augusta Ward are going to live there while they are gone. I dont know whether James G. will go or not. Rather, think he will but he is not going thro' La Porte if he does. But I'll fiish your picture and sent it first opportunity. Be sure to send one your Ambrotypes soon. I don't believe mother will ever have hers taken I've tried and teased and teased. Jennie Tyler is going to Waltham soon. I have engaged, to teach on Chestnut Hill and commence Sep 12 I've nearly finished a large picture of Emily's home Shall have it done in a few days. Larin wanted I should sketch their old home place - don't know whether I shall or not. The new school house is finally raised on the old Meeting house spot. Do you hear any thing of Harriet Draper Atwood? She is keeping house - has three boarders Henry Atwood, Azaph Davis, and Mary Putnam - Mary Putnam is teaching in Chicago. Mary Draper is better - Abby Warner Hastings has a baby daughter Good night my dears Mary - written down left hand side of page Rhoda sends love to you says she is going to write to you soon. We are well - Charlie has taken cold Mother says you must'nt put a bit of cold water on your breast nor your hands in cold water put on hot flannels wet in spirit or rum - Come home Abby soon as you wean and show us Edgar