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handsome village and a place of considerable business. The Canandonay a large creek runs through it large mills situate on it - there is three churches here Presbyterian, Babtist(Baptist) and Methodist two miles from this place we put up for the night we have not been in sight of the lake this afternoon came 28 miles today 19 yesterday 47 miles from Buffalo. Wednesday morning the 13th. The morning is pleasant for travelling very cool to day we shall cross the boundary line of this state into that of Penn. The idea of leaving my native state to adopt another is painful indeed. Oh! how the heart clings to its own native home no prospect abroad can make it forget the place where it enjoyed the early endearments of life should I never again see my native place it will ever live fresh in the remembrance of my heart. Oh how I love everything around it the pure____ stream of water which runs through it on whose banks I have so often sported with my dear school mates and the school house in which I have spent so many hours where I received the first rudiments of education and above all the ____ of at where repose the remains of my dear parents all, all is unspeakably dear to me. Loved scenes of my youth ye(t) shall never be forgot. After 15 miles ride we came to the village of Westfeild it is pretty place the house(s) are built mostly of brick it looks very flourishing a pretty stream of water runs through it the next village was Ripley town of the same _____