Capt. Samuel Huntings certificate about the xtian Christian Indian Souldiers,
"These are to certifie That I Samuel Hunting of CharlesTowne in New England, beeing By Athority of the Governd & councill appointed comander of the praying Indians liveing in the massachusets colony in New England, In the warr against the Barborus Indians, did accordingly comand the said = Indian company, consisting (when at the = most) of not above 80 men; The said company with my selfe served the country in severall expeditions for about one yeares time, In all which service, the said Indians, behaved themselves, courageously, & faithfully to the English interest, & I conceived that the said - company did kill & take prisoners above two hundred of the enimy, & lost but one man of ours, besides about on hundred psons they kild & tooke prisoner at other times when I was not with them & they went out volunters and in testimony of the truth herof I have set my hand this 13th of December 1677
Samuel Hunting