to support and protect the said Indians in their just Rights and Possessions, and to keep inviolable the Treaties and Compacts which have been entered into with them, Do hereby strictly enjoin and command, that neither yourself, nor any Lieutenant Governor, President of the Council, or Commander in Chief of our said Province of New York, do upon any Pretence whatsoever, upon Pain of our highest Displeasure, and of being forthwith removed from your or his Office, pass any Grant or Grants to any Persons whatever of any Lands within, or adjacent to, the Territories possessed, or occupied by the said Indians, or the Property or Possession of which has at any time been reserved to, or claimed by, them. And it is our further Will & Pleasure, that you do publish a Proclamation, in our Name, strictly enjoining and requiring all Persons whatever, who may either wilfully, or inadvertently have seated themselves upon any Lands so reserved to, or claimed by, the said Indians, without any lawful Authority for so doing, forthwith to remove therefrom. And in case you shall find upon strict Enquiry to be made for that Purpose, that any Person or Persons do claim to hold or possess any Lands within our said Province, upon Pretence of Purchases made of the said Indians, without a proper License first had, and obtained either from us, or any of our Royal Predecessors, or any Persons acting under our or their Authority, you are forthwith to cause a Prosecution to be carried on against such Person or Persons who shall have made such fraudulent Purchases, to the End, that the Land may be recovered by a due Course of Law. And Whereas the wholesome Laws, which have at different Times been passed in several of our said Colonies, and the Instructions which have been given by our Royal Predecessors, for restraining Persons from purchasing Lands of the Indians, without a License for that Purpose, and for regulating the Proceedings upon such Purchases, have not been duly observed; It is therefore our express Will and Pleasure, that when any Application shall be made to you, for License to purchase Lands of the Indians, you do forbear to grand such License until you shall have first transmitted to us, by out Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, the Particulars of such application, as well in Respect to the Situation, as the Extent of the Lands