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9 Avon Road, Midanbury,

Southampton, S02.4FR.


Dear Jack & Gladys.

   Often I think of you & I have just come acrossed your address. I trust you are both well.
  My husband has retired from the sea this last two years,  he is not at all well with his stomack, & I have an awful job to keep my blood pressure down, otherwise, things are not too bad.
    I do hope our Charles Chaplin is not going back to New York for good. I don't think he will, & when the time comes I want him buried in English soil.
 I did love Charlie as a child & still do.  Everything seems in a dreadfull muddle everywhere. strikes & killing going on.  Food just goes up & up.
 I have just written to Mrs. Waysblum & Ruth. I have not seen them for some time as I cannot get to London very often, & they have not been down