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stories & articles, likely very commercial, as all are the fruit of some forty years research, compiling & burned up candles. All they need is a little more organization & polishing. Reason none are finished is, without an agent I saw no underlined: definite markets, therefore I'd drop one & start another. I believe all of them to be as unique as "Stackalee" & in some cases better written.

  I've blabbed so much here about myself, I forgot to ask you if you have had time to put out anything lately.  If so please let me know as I'm woefully behind in my reading.
  How is Jackie, is he still in the Northwest?  Please excuse pencil, intended to copy this over with pen but a lot like the old fellow on horse back who thought he saw a ghost, jumped off the horse & ran so fast & low to the ground that his hip pockets were full of underlined:  dry sand despite the fact he had splashed all the water out of a half dozen creeks he had crossed.  When asked why he didn't stay on his horse replied:
   When I get scared enuff to do some real runnin' I aint got no time to be bothered with no hoss.
   Point is, if I stop to be bothered with a pen I dont get much down on paper.  Bottom of page.  More next time.  Good luck ol pal   Onah.