in pencil in top margin Rogers, John C. Jack I oboy oboy: Don't know about Judy - recond [sic] he doesn't get out much, 'course he could of been crushed or somethin' without going outside, will have to write to him and hear what's what. B. Hogan is miffed with me - called me a whiskey-drinking old man, which I don't deny - but her phone underlined: was BUSY time I called, so's don't give her any right to call me no names, hit don't Should-a operated on her head - that seems kinda loose
Had some string beans and bacon, but never had no turnips & side pork, sounds good to a ole country jake like me - like to have a big dish of side pork - eat my fill and holler for some more! Ah'm the same, only more so - jes' able to hobble to beer joint, and beers gone up, can you beat that!? Old Bud is now 80c a bottle - an' the more I drink the more I pee - in my pants usually. Your card is funny - nothing but a Northern Va. postmark! Cheers. You're right about FOOLKILLER.
Jack II. Sep. 28, '79