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supper. It is such a satisfaction to be able to cook well. I am getting to be quite a "shark" in that direction and enjoy my housework very much. Doc is not home yet! I shan't expect him or look for him until he actually arrives bag and baggage. Of course, he expects to get the money "this week" as it has been for a good many weeks past, but I have given up hope. However, I am getting along all right and the present arrangements, though unsatisfactory in some respects, are not unbearable, so I shall merely hope for the best. I don't know what Nellie Zeh's plans are. She is still with the Novita? Company and seems to be doing well. I went downtown with Max on Monday and worked all day at the office. Enjoyed the change and accomplished considerable. Max wishes he had me back to write the letters, for the girl who is doing the work now is a very poor stenographer, though she has been working for five or six years. If I were able to work now I could have a job at the Blair Remedy Co. as Doc Zeh's stenographer and get $15.00 per week. $12.00 to start and a raise in about 3 months. Wouldn't that be nice? How much longer do you expect to stay at the Wray's? Hope you will quit soon and rest up. Heaps of love, Katharine.