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I wish you would send me that blanket that Father caried home for a sheet for fannys bed if Mamma will lend it to me I want all th pecies of my blue gown I want a bowl to make pyecrust in & a dish to put sauce in if they can fech them & if I have any there worth fetching if you are a mind to send your tea tray you may but if you dont know how to spare it I dont want you should I wish you would dry some quinses for me and a few barbrys and crambays if you can get them I want to have you dry some whurtleburys and send up now if it ant to late I wish you would save some peach plum & chery stones and some ? ground & blue flagbloms & send to me here is a god chanse for some of you to come up here and bring hez but I dont now what to say about it I am sorry and ashamd to tell you I am afaid I shall want to have some of you com up next winter more than I do now if this is the case with me I shall want some boddy by the first of April if you or lucy cant ome let julia come she could bring hez and be a great comfort and help to me it is most like ly that mr Hayden will come down next winter if none of our friends dont come up here I had a little laid out to come down nex winter but I believe I must put it of until next summer I hope my luck will turn some time or other but I get most dis couraged about that but that wont do any good so I must keep up with as good spirits as I can I should not wrote this at present to trouble you about only i should be verry anxious to have you come out now if it want for that so now you must come when you can or when you think best to come tell Mamma I hope this wont be the lot of all of her children but if it is I hope they will submit to their fate more willingly than I do but I aught to be thankfull tha I hant no worse troubles it is hard to have so many I cant lake care of them my sellf and not trouble you with them I want a little otter if you have got any if you have got any old pieces of swans down I want some to mend jacket if you think that old brown jacket can be colourd black and made fit to ware you may send it them socks if you will get them made you may wear them enough to pay for it There is a Man I think is in likely will go to get some martin skins at