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De. H.L. Dousman Esq. in Yr. Acct./interest 04% Pr. Ann. made to 7 June 1853 with P. Chouteau Jr. & Co. Cr. 1851 1851 June 30 To Paid Telegraph desp. 45 c. Postage 20 05 June 1851 22. 2316 08 June 30 By rec'd. of G.T.Lucas a/c MacKenzie 1436368 June 21 2317 112837 Aug. 11 " " dft. for MacKenzie 2000 Dec. 15 " " of de. bmo. of Int. on / 15000 c 8% 600

             " "        "    "    J. Stirle?                    433863 Augt. 11  22 4 46769                     " "         of de.   B.  "  "       "     15000  c 10% 750  } Dec.
        12            " rec'd. M.  MacKenzie  ?                                                                             "  Bal. of Interest                                           10929
                        " June 2 overpaid by Mr. Lucas as Cash Pay.   567.02                                       " Balance                                                      25426
                                       Int. on 14363  68   17 days          40.69
                                       less Int. on /567.02 rec'd this day    4.82  25.87    53115 12  2126  3971
        16           Paid, order to BW Brisbois                                                        900. 16  2122  6520
         25          "   "            "  Ruitherford & Day                                               156.80 25  2113 1129
Oct   11          "   "            " N Corwith                                                             6400. Oct. 11  1927 42454

1852 Janry 23 " " " BH Campbell & Co. 1100 Janry 24 1852 1614 6038

      Febry  9    "  "             " Nelson Dawey                                                      2500  Febry 9  16 2  1339
     April 24     "   "   You in Newyork                                                                  400 Apl 24  13 14 1795
                                                                                                                          "" Bal. of Int.  10929
                                                                                                                        1607723          120952                                                          1607723

1853 June 7 To Balance 25426 June 7 1853

             " Soby at Prairie du Chism                                                                            69n
                                                                                     Saint Louis June 7th 1853
                                                                                     P. Chouteau Jr. & Co.

Received of HL Dousman Esq. Three hundred twenty three 26/100 dollars in full of account to date Saint Louis June 8 1853 P. Chouteau Jr. & Co. $323.26/100 F.V.G. Lister?