of the defest of the shtest arms _ then approaching near to the Cresent City - its vast ixtent and Jamids of Masts - & slit near the bustle and bumfin cannyy on on the Sum - or Embankment what has been thrown up for its protection from the inroads of the river- word crossed out then its interesting & changing history was patented bul abound to me x *
Without the existence of this great, wet & powerful city - Texas as the abode of one race could
not have been in existence - In fact N. Orleans was the worlds mility Arsenal & Treasury - & its Citizens it ardens abettors & advisors - and at the same time firmly upheld in all thee operations by the sanction of the White House of Washington in the Potomac - It may be asked what was New Orleans to rab for Texas - in the 1st. place the belligerant excitement was in accordance with the feelings of the Southern population 2 By an exlence of County Sythen the whabated to thee or ra for yes to come N.O. would be its Empocess.. & who advantages f the produce & of Texas. 3rd. For cling prnd