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2 preserved. 'His Excellency General George Washington President of the United States of America" - The Members of the House of Representatives & Senators have the title of 'Honorable' Judges & some others likewise bear this appelation title. It has been so often repeated that every other man one meets with in the States is a General, Colonel, Major, Captain, or Judge - but in reading of this it does not shock one so much as to hear it more portentously when we are taught that Pure Democracy only exists in U.S.

    I attended a Patriotic Meeting at G--  the speakers were Generals, Major Captains Judges &c but after an elegant speech from Judge B--- Col L-- quietly said to him 'Judge take a drink' & in a jiffy my worthies were sipping as nice a glass of cold Mint Julep as was ever made behind a Bar - With regard to the U.S.  There remain many of the old Revolutionary officers - 4 unclear words nothing won may they have to use than long - but the great Mass of Military names belong to Militia officers but such as Militias &  Volunteers that would surprise even the ? strong nerves of John