letterhead Smyth County News Sherwood Anderson Marion Democrat
Robert Lane Anderson The Lending Library Job Printing Editor - Business Manager Marion Publishing Company Marion, Virginia
2 and has, in addition, been working, at Columbia for her Phd. That is absurd but it is still true that a Phd helps such a woman wonderfully in getting paid for her work. I'm sure, perhaps a good deal, Eleanor has made me what I seem to be now, partly at last a man of action. She did make me feel working people a good deal more than I had for a long time. she is small and strong and dark with black hair and olive eyes. Hell, I love her. It doesn't mean I do not love others too but I love her.
I seem always Charles to need these doorways out into life. Nowe all net a, merg ry? to me. Am I just an egotist,
using them. I don't know.
It is hard for me to live with anyone. I came nearest it with Tennessee Mitchell. We almost did it. There was a brooding silent quality in her. I worked around that, watched it, was fed by it. It constantly broke up.
She said..."I could make it with you but to do so would have to make you kind of absolute in our? puendes?."