2 2. Its Peace. =More glorious than man_ The God of Peace, Prince of Peace, Peacemakers =On the basis of righteousness The only secret of tranquility is to be good. "First King of R. and after that also King of P. "Also. Heb.1.9 "The Effect of righteousness, is peace" "Righteousness + peace kiss +c" "The wicked are like a troubled sea +c" =On this principle God gave his son_ and Holy Spirit. "Therefore being justified" +c. That is a peace that the circle with dot in center--image of world could give +c" "Passeth understanding." 3. The Exaltation of its subjects. That is the ideal government. That brings the people nearest the throne. Compare governments. =To do this God_ Cleanses, forgives renews_ Makes us sons, heirs, Kings + Priests, Colaborers. =All this involves, Sympathy, pity mercy, love, long-suffering, and power.