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85 from this time forward. Our Ch[ris]tian Indians souldiers went constantly imployed in all expeditions against the enemy while the warr lasted; and after the Arrival of the shipps from England it was in may armes were bought to furnish the rest of the able men. & then Capt Huntings company was made up to the number of 80 men. Those did many Signall services in the Summer 1676. At weshakum & at or neare Mendon, at mount hope, at watchhusetts & severall other places they were often made use of as scouts before the Army: & at those times when the Army lay still & staid at their quarters in which Scoutings they took several captives & slew many of the enmy & brought the scalps to their comander the particulars of their actions are to many to mention in the script I contend that this small company of our indian friends have taken & slaine of the enimy in the Sumer 1676 not les than fower hundred & their fidelity & courage is testified by the cert..? of their captains that are inserted in the close of this discourse. It may bee said in truth that God made use of these poore despised & hated ch[ris]tians, to doe great service for the churches of christ in New England in this day of the tryall & I think it was observd by impartiall men, that after our Indians went out, the Ballance turned of the English side for after the Attack of Sudbury (at which time our Indians first went forth) the enimy: were downe the wind amayne & about July words crossed out on hundred & fifty surrendered themselves to mercy to the Massachusets Govrnmt besides severll that surenderd at plimouth & conetcut Connecticut Among those that came in to massachusetts with the Sachem of pakachooge their were sevrall of those that had bene praying indians & went ^ or were card away from Hassanamesit of which I have before spoken