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To all Christian people to whom these Presents shall Come greeting Knew ye that I David Hurlbutts of Middleton in the County of Hartford and Colony Connecticutt New England. Blacksmith for the Consideration of six pounds Current money to me in hand paid by Seth Wetmore of Middleton aforsaid yeoman: Do give grant Bargain aliene sell convey and Confirm unto the said Seth Wetmore his hiers and assigns for ever all my Right Tytle Estate share proportion or interest that I have or aught to have in or unto the Common or undevded Land, within the Tonship of Middleton aforsaid for that I am son and hier to John Harlbuts formerly as said Middleton Deceased or any other waies howsoever to have and to hold said Granted and Bargained premises with all ye Rights Previlidge, appurtunances and Commodities thereto Belonging or any waies appertaining unto him the said Seth Wetmore his hiers or assigns to his and thier sole and only use Benifits and Behofs for Ever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set My hand and seal this Twenty fourth day of March In the sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of greate Brittan france & Ireland King &c anno Domin 1732 or 3 Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of Humphrey George his mark Hannah Orvis David Hurlbut red wax seal Middleton March the 24th day of 1732/3 then Appeared personally David Hurlbuts the Grantor of the above written Instrument and acknoledged the same to be his free act and voluntary Deed before me Giles Hall J[torn]] Pacis This Deed is Recorded in Middletown fifth Book of Records fol. 501: febry 18th 1733/4 pr Joseph Rockwell Registd