Then I’ll have mama send me my good scatter rugs. Old Mama , at 70 is pretty healthy and even counted votes at a nearby precinct this last Election Day. (Hooray for the League of Women Voters) Invested $124 in a super fine Sears (Japanese) portable typewriter , my absolutely first new one and am feeling a little better about the Wild West. Sounds like things are pretty well under control in Chicago. Am enjoying the local papers, and there are many small ones, especially the “Straight Creek” When a friend stricken word sneered at the R.M. News, I. Was surprised - oh, you stricken thought that wanted to know what was going on in the world. The folksy ones do inform one. My old dipping in the magazines, the uneducated news article, the slick magazines do teach me something. Folklore. Hope to have an address again soon. Did anyone like my verse? Carol