Had such a pleasant morning last Monday when Malcolm and I went to visit the first grade at Main Street school (Hill Avenue) Frances Crisler's room. She is a wonderful teacher. The children learn without knowing it and there is something doing every minute, so they don't have time to get bored or restless. They sing little songs and learn to count by means of pictures, and play games and learn the sounds of the letters by cards which she holds up for them. The room is nicely furnished - piano, little chairs with rubber tips, colored pictures of Mother Goose characters - then colored pegs for each child to count with and colored chalk to draw pictures. It is all very ideal and Frances is the best of all. The children are so fond of her and she helps the self conscious ones by standing beside them, and holding their hands while they recite or sing or tell stories. Each child does all these things alone before the class. I think it is such a splendid thing, as it gives them confidence and does away with embar-