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pretty clear that there are no Mexican [unclear] posts just now [page number 46] on our coasts. 4 pm Got under weigh, & brought up [unclear] the bar for the night- Tuesday 29th. [Mg.] got under weight, took the 'Santana' in tow over its Bar. The Mesquite wood is not the best for raising steam, & with a heavy swell, we do not make much head way. 5pm. Came to Anchor off [Pt.] Luis - here we saw President Houston's Proclamation of Blockade of Mexican Ports. ^[unclear notation in pencil]^ ([unclear] [unclear] the Schooner! Wednesday 30. 5pm - Got steam up. [Crossed out entire sentence} On our making the East End of the [unclear] found the '[Brig] Wharton' & steamer "Zavala" there, the former waiting for a fair wind to go out cruizing ^ the other as a [sugar] ship.^ So we came up along each with our [unclear] the town, Part of our company who had remained & there had got our two pieces of artillery down & Saluted us, so did the [Arrival]. All the [unclear] came to meet & welcome us home.