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Which is not to say that I don't - for I do - believe that the top officials of the C.P. in every country were guilty of inexcusably wrong actions & evil policies - a release we need yestdy from the USSR Embassy in Wash. calls them "criminal policies." I saw & heard enough about the top-ranking officials of the CP U.S.A. over many years - &, like S.N. suffered personally from their unscrupulous methods of slander & abuse - to be quite able to accept a great deal of what they are now being changed w/ - even by their one-time cronies & accomplices - not all of whom have suddenly become pure-as-snow angels. But I have always, like SN, kept my disapproval to myself & my most immediate associates. I am writing this in my lap, in a reclining chair, w/ "the" leg straight out on some pillows. The cast is off & I hobble about w/ a crutch most cautiously, to avoid any set back. For a man of my age - 79 - to mend a legbone (& it was broken, Bertie & I saw the X-ray negative) in 3 1/2 wks in miraculous - due to my abstention from alcohol, tobacco, coffee, cokes, overeating, allopathic drugs &c &c.