Banta Bros. Bank Capital and Surplus $40,000.00 Business Established 1889 Bank Incorporated 1920 Lowpoint, Ill Frank D. Banta, President / A.L. Banta, Vice President / A.D. Banta, Second Vice President / Wm. C Stauter, Cashier / Merle L. Kunkel, Assistant Cashier
7/14 - 27
Mrs May Waldon Avon Park Florida.
My dear May - I notice by the last weeks Metamora Harald an account of the death of your mother. I wish to express to you my most sincere sympathies in this time of your deepest of all sorrows. There is none who passes from this world who are so dear as mother. We can ever and and always do what we can for mother while she lives, but we never can pay for what she has done for us. Of course you haveing been with her during so much of your life, you will miss her more. But I hope you will cheer up as much as you can, and be consoled with the Christian hope that while your father & mother can no more come to you, that you will at some time be able to go to them. This is a wonderful hope for the Christian to have. May you do not know how happy it makes me feel to think that we had you and your mother to dinner with us the one Sunday when you and she were visiting